Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) are skilled in helping those impacted by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV manage their infections. Our goal is to improve the overall health of our community by offering support to those who have been diagnosed with chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. We are able to do this by answering your questions, referring you to resources like insurance and medical care, talking about methods you can use to prevent infection in the future, and helping you plan ways you can inform your partner(s) of their exposure.

STDs and HIV don’t have obvious symptoms, and it’s possible your sex or syringe-sharing partner(s) may not know they are infected. A DIS can help you confidentially notify your partner(s) of their exposure to gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV for free! We call this process Partner Services. We can ensure we stop the spread of STDs and HIV by providing your partner(s) with free testing, and help coordinate their treatment when appropriate.

Worried about your partner(s) finding out you have been infected? Don’t! DIS are trained to keep your personal and medical information private, so no need to worry about your partner(s) finding out who you are.

If you prefer to tell your partners on your own, that’s OK too! Partner Services is 100% voluntary. DIS can equip you with extra tools like conversation starters and referral letters for free tests to help you get your partners the care they need.